Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Finding Divine in Everything

I had to laugh when it occurred to me that when I used to look for the Divine in everything, I figured that I found it in a beautiful flower, or a child's laugh, the sunrise or sunset, a babbling stream.

Those are all wonderful. But isn't the Divine also in the rainy day, on a Monday, with no money in the account? Isn't the Divine in the earthquake, the hurricane?

I realize that I separate myself from the Divine when I judge that a creation is 'bad'. Who am I to judge? 

I know that I must accept that there are much bigger plans going on, that have very little to do with me. I must accept that the Divine knows what it is doing. 

That will just make it easier on me, because the Divine is going to do it anyway; I just won't be kicking and screaming anymore.